Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane

After years of discussing the possibility of interning abroad, months of applications, weeks of preparation, and two minutes of packing, I am finally on the plane headed to South Africa. While I was promised that there would be more leg room on international flights, I have found that that is not true, but on the bright side Bridesmaids is on in flight entertainment and wine is complimentary. So, here I am watching a movie that has many moments that make me feel awkward while in a crowded cabin, just polishing off a hearty American lunch of stuffing and red wine (I’m serious… stuffing). Life is good.

Every thirty minutes or so I realize that I’m not flying to a crew race, or to PDX, I’m flying to Cape Town! I don’t know anyone there, or even specifically what job I’m doing. How exciting.

 In conclusion, for my first blog post ever, I just want to say to my friends and family that I miss you terribly already and to please remember to write.
