Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Constantiaberg Mast Hike

This Friday we had a small, but fantastic group of super hikers set on reaching the mast in Constantiaberg. It is actually the same area as the Elephant's Eye hike that I did back in October, but this time we went past the eye and on to the elusive mast! The hike was so hot that a dip in the reservoir at the bottom felt amazing. Another fun hike in South Africa to make another perfect Friday.

View across the reservoir. The mast is just visible at the top. 

That was the goal. 

Just starting out, looking fresh and excited.

It was an amazing hike. Beautiful flowers and spectacular views.

It was so hot that we were all looking for ways to get cool.

Steep trail, sun beating down, but we must make it to the mast!


It was worth it for the incredible 360 degree view of South Africa.

We even got to see the endangered spotted leopard toad!

Asking some locals if the water is deep enough to jump off the bridge.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Random Happening #3

Oliver let me drive his car and try out the left side of the road. It was easier than I thought it would be, although I was on a fairly low trafficked road. The only thing I had to worry about was steering around the baboons. They survived, we survived, the car survived. Now I can drive anywhere!

Handing over the keys.

Boulders Beach

Going to see the penguins at Boulders Beach was on the top of my list of things to do while in South Africa, but for some reason it took me a whole five months to actually make it out there. So, I was very excited this Sunday to spend a perfect summer day swimming with the silly African penguins. The day did not disappoint. There will little penguins everywhere, big boulders to jump off of, and perfect water for swimming. It was so beautiful I hope to make it out there again before I leave.

The water is perfectly clear and surprisingly warm.


Good advice. 

It was fun to watch them swim from so close.

Justin, Sasha, Lena, and Louisa posing with our newest friend. 

Jumping off the boulders.

Either jumping off the boulder or flying.

I got a bit distracted by the sea life.


If you look closely you can see a neat fish we found hiding in the seaweed.

Lena (sorry for cutting your head off) and Sasha enjoying the swim.

Cape Point Round Two

Last Friday I headed back to Cape Point with the VAC interns for another fun Friday activity. We hiked around Africa's Southern most Western point enjoying the scenery and unique wildlife.

We had a big group this week!

If you couldn't spot me in the photo above...

Justin, Chelsey, Victor, and I.

To the South Pole!

We found a ton of these little rodents called dassies (also known as the Cape Hyrax).

Elephants are the closest living relative to dassies. 


A great picture taken by Chelsey on our way out.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Echo Valley Cave Hike

On the 17th, our VAC group went for a Friday excursion to Echo Valley for a hike up to the Boomslang Caves. We got to army crawl through some tight spaces, duck from bat dive-bombs, and see excellent views of Kalk Bay. 

Katie, Lena, and I about to start up Echo Valley.

Watch out for baboons!

At the top of every hike we have to find some neat rocks to perch upon.  Kat seems nervous. 

Inside the Boomslang caves. Watch out for bats!

South African views. Stunning as ever.

Hermanus Weekend

February 3rd through the 5th I went with the VAC group for a two nights stay at the coastal town of Hermanus. Unfortunately it wasn't the right time of the year, but Hermanus is known for fantastic whale sighting. Instead we went for the backpackers (hostel) experience, with some shark cage diving, wine tasting, and soaking in the sun. 

The wonderful Hermanus backpackers that hosted us for two nights.

The backpackers had an amazing backyard, complete with pool, braai, and picnic tables.

This was painted on the backpackers fence. It perfectly fit the mood of the weekend.

Our colorful room. I got a top bunk!

Dinner the first night.

Because I had already been shark cage diving I didn't go with the group who went this weekend, but I did lend them my waterproof camera. They took some amazing pictures, so I've posted them here so all of you can see them. They came back raving about the shark biting the cage just inches from their fingers. The water was cold, but I think everyone had a good time.

A great photo taken from the boat.

Some good underwater shots.

This isn't a shark, but I thought the it was a neat picture from inside of the cage.


Another interesting shot.

Just a few feet away.

Here is when the shark came in contact with the cage while going for the bait. Notice Kat frantically scrambling out of the cage.

Kat, Keira, Chelsey, and Sam. Survivors of the shark attack. 

Since I was not cage diving I got to explore the incredible Hermanus wine country. We visited three wineries and had a great time sipping wine with the beautiful scenery.

At the first winery.

Enjoying wine tasting next to a lake.

It was a perfect summer day in South African wine country.

The second night at the backpackers I finally got to have potjie! Potjie is a South African dish, which translates literally to "pot food." As far as I understand it's whatever food you have on hand, thrown into a cast iron cauldron, and cooked over a fire. Our potjie had chicken and various vegetables served over rice. Like most of the food here, I loved it.

Sunday morning after sleeping in and eating a breakfast of toast and coffee by the pool, some of us made our way to the waterfront for a bit of swimming and sunbathing. It was a great way to finish up the trip and we weren't ready to go back.

Swimming with some Hermanus locals.