Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Boulders Beach

Going to see the penguins at Boulders Beach was on the top of my list of things to do while in South Africa, but for some reason it took me a whole five months to actually make it out there. So, I was very excited this Sunday to spend a perfect summer day swimming with the silly African penguins. The day did not disappoint. There will little penguins everywhere, big boulders to jump off of, and perfect water for swimming. It was so beautiful I hope to make it out there again before I leave.

The water is perfectly clear and surprisingly warm.


Good advice. 

It was fun to watch them swim from so close.

Justin, Sasha, Lena, and Louisa posing with our newest friend. 

Jumping off the boulders.

Either jumping off the boulder or flying.

I got a bit distracted by the sea life.


If you look closely you can see a neat fish we found hiding in the seaweed.

Lena (sorry for cutting your head off) and Sasha enjoying the swim.

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