Sunday, January 22, 2012

Isla Mujeres Christmas

This year my family decided to skip Christmas and meet up in Mexico to end the year right. We spent a wonderful two weeks on Isla Mujeres, an Island just off the coast of Cancun. Everyday was filled with snorkeling, sunbathing, margaritas, and amazing food. Two weeks went by way too fast. 

Sitting in the water on our private beach.

View of the beach from one of our favorite beach clubs.

We did a lot of snorkeling in multiple locations around the island. One of the best things we saw was an octopus right out from our private beach. Elisabeth picked up a conch shell and the octopus crawled out while she was still holding it. We even got to see it ink in the water.  

I love to snorkel! 

Some of our favorite colorful fish. 

We got to meet the friendly stingray, Samantha, on a snorkel trip to Isla Contoy.

Mom and Samantha.

We love fun bar seats.

Delicious Mayan fish dish called Tik' n Xic. 

Christmas dinner (in bathing suits).
The local tradition on Isla Mujeres is to party all night on New Years and then walk down to Punta Sur, the southern tip of the island for sunrise. Punta Sur is the eastern most point of Mexico, which means that we were the first people in Mexico to see the sunlight of 2012.

Watching the first sunrise of 2012.

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