Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Exploring Downtown

After enjoying another amazing breakfast at the Old Biscuit Mill (poached egg, potato pancake, holandaise sauce, and smoked salmon... makes my mouth water just thinking about it) my roommate Jennifer and I jumped on the train for downtown. Since neither Jennifer or I work in downtown Cape Town and have seen very little of the city except for the train station and Long Street (where we go dancing on the weekends) we decided that we should do a little exploring. Jennifer and I agreed afterwards that it would have been a good idea to bring a map or even look at one before we left the house, but it was still a fun Saturday afternoon wandering around such a unique city.

First we walked through the Company Gardens. They are situated next to Parliament and like everything else in Cape Town, have amazing art and even more amazing views.

I think Table Mountain always steals the show, but the gardens were simply perfect.

I was enthralled by dog sized fish in this beautiful fountain. 

There were also babies in the fountain!

Aloe tree.

I'm not sure what these were, but they were stunning.

Jennifer and I walked past a church where a group was filming something involving cheering crowds, fire, and bloody monks. It was strange to stumble upon this scene while quietly walking through the Company Gardens.

A monk in makeup getting his hair messed up and blood poured down his face. 

After walking through the gardens, we half aimlessly, half in search of ice cream walked around the city streets, not finding ice cream, but finding some more cool things.

Mandela depicted by Jan du Plessis in 1,460 rubic cubes. 

Someone was nice enough to give this statue a pair of legwarmers. 

We are planning to explore downtown again soon, but armed with a map!

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