Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Old Biscuit Mill

I have found where I would like to spend the rest of my life... and I ate ostrich. The Old Biscuit Mill is a market that happens every Saturday in Woodstock. There is everything from homemade pesto and mozzarella to fresh produce and flowers. Plus the food and drinks are all to die for. The interns here go every weekend and I understand why. Everyone is so happy to be in this wonderful place with delicious treats that the atmosphere is pure bliss. 

Last week. My ostrich burger and the chef. According to him ostrich is a very lean and healthy meat. I found it delicious. 

So many mushrooms!

I haven't had one yet, but a friend and I said that we are going to split a mushroom kabob next week.

My friend Christy and I having honey liquor shots in dark chocolate shot glasses. For R5 it was hands down the best shot I have ever had... followed by eating the shot glass.

The view from the inside. They have plants in bird cages and flowers in bottles hanging from the roof. The tables are made from old doors atop saw horses. All very cute.

My meal this week. Breakfast of blueberry ricotta pancakes and bacon with a bloody mary on the side. The best pancakes I've ever had not made on a Dissen stove top.  

Outside view. The weather was perfect this Saturday.

The best part of Friday night is looking forward to the Old Biscuit Mill and discussing what we are going to eat when we get there.

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