Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lion's Head

A couple nights ago a group of the interns and I went on a hike up to the top of Lion's Head. It has amazing views in general with the peak overlooking Cape Town, the ocean, and Table Mountain all at once, but everyone says that the best time to hike is during a full moon. So, we climbed to the top to watch the sunset and made our way back down lit only by moonlight for the last bit of the walk. It was definitely one of the most fun trails I've ever been on. At one point there are chains and metal hand/foot holds to help you scale a rock face and there are even a couple ladders. Not everyone in our group was so happy that we were going back down these obsticals after sunset, but we all made it without any problems. It was perfect timing too because we got to see everything in the daylight on the way up, caught a bright pink sunset, and got to overlook the city lights when it got dark on our way down.

My first sunset over the Atlantic.

I work down there!

View over cape town. 

Even though it was windy at the top, Alex decided that it was a good idea to eat rice krispies.

Climbing back down. 

Kelly and Matt climbing down the metal rungs in the dark. 
A picture taken by Jeremy. 

Our group looking over the city lights. Another amazing picture by Jeremy. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful!! The picture of you standing on the rock way above Cape Town is scary!! Gives me goose bumps just looking at it!
