Saturday, October 8, 2011

Red Bus Tour

 I just got back from a double deck bus tour around Cape Town. This place is absolutely amazing. I knew it before, but to go from Green Market Square downtown, to the empty fields of District Six, to the stunningly rich houses of Camps Bay, to Table Mountain, all in a couple hours leaves your head spinning. So, I'll just say it with pictures:

In District Six where apartheid was most devastating, grassy plots still stand open as a testimony to the past. 

The Castle of Good Hope! But don’t call it a fort… they don’t appreciate it.

Mandela gave a speech right there. 

View from Table Mountain near the bottom of the cable car. I can’t believe I live somewhere down there. 

The incredibly rich hotels and condos of Camps Bay with the Twelve Apostles in the background (there are actually 17 and no one knows how they got their name). 

Cat bush!

View of Lion’s Head down Camps Bay. 

Toes, meet the Atlantic. 

Nice view of the Camps Bay strip with Table Mountain in the background. And me!

Camps Bay and the Twelve Apostles again. Simply amazing. 

Not a great picture, but there is Green Point Stadium. I head that Cold Play is going to play there next week. I’m hoping I can go to a soccer game and a concert there while I’m here.

Somerset Hospital. Opened in 1864.

A pretty incredible tour for sure. I’m excited to spend more time in all of those places. I have a loooong list of things to do. 

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