Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cape Town Music

On October 26th Kings of Leon performed at Green Point Stadium. Seeing a concert at the 2010 World Cup Stadium was one of the things I wanted to do while in Cape Town, and since I love Kings of Leon I was excited to check another thing off my list. 

Making our way over the pedestrian bridge on the fan walk to the stadium.

During the World Cup Cape Town started a tradition of doing a “fan walk” from downtown to the stadium in Green Point, and a year later fans still do the walk for big sporting events and concerts. I've even been told that the fan walk can be more fun than the actual show. After Jennifer and I got off work we packed into the crowded train and headed downtown to see what this fan walk is all about. We were unsure of the exact route for the fan walk, but from the minute we stepped out of the train station it was obvious where the crowds of people were going. All along the fan walk restaurants had specials and extra tables set outside. Jennifer and I were starving and decided to stop almost immediately at a Peruvian restaurant advertising pisco sours and ceviche. The owner of the restaurant told me that the juice in my ceviche is called tiger milk and people drink it out of the bowl after eating the fish. I was a little concerned he was pulling my leg, but I decided I better try it just to be safe. Not bad at all.

In South Africa? Might as well see a band from the United States and drink South American drinks.

Drinking the tiger milk.

After our meal we wandered rest of the way to the stadium just in time to see the South African opening bands Shadow Club, The Black Hotels, and Die Heuwel Fantasties. I didn't recognize any of the band names, but was really excited when Shadow Club played because I've been listening to their song Good Morning Killer on the radio for weeks now and didn't know who it was by. Also Jack Parow made an surprise appearance in the last opening act, which made the crowd go absolutely crazy. Jack Parow is a really popular Afrikaans rapper who always wears crazy ridiculous hats (see below). For all his silliness he is a great performer.

Jack Parow in all his glory.

Jennifer, Emily, and I in the stadium.

Green Point Stadium at night.

Also a couple weeks ago I went to see a South African band called Goldfish. Again I didn't realize that I knew any of their songs, but was so excited to find out that I have been listening to their songs for weeks and had no idea. One of their songs was even featured in an American car commercial.  I hear this song in restaurants and clubs all the time.Most of their stuff is super fun dance music, which made for a really great show. 

So far the music scene here in Cape Town has been really fun and I can't wait to see (or hear) what's next.

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