Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Zombie Marathon

A majority of the VAC interns are from the States and everyone wanted to celebrate Halloween, but most of us weren't too excited about spending money on costumes. So, what do you do when you need a cheap costume and only have what clothes would fit under the 50 pound flight limit? Obviously you cook up some fake blood and storm downtown as the undead. 

I couldn’t find corn syrup and had to improvise a bit on the fake blood recipe, but it turned out perfect. Sticky enough to stick to everything and just runny enough to look real (and get ALL over the house… sorry Lower Main house). Luckily my small makeup collection is made up of all zombie makeup, so for the first time in my life I did other people’s make up. Over the weekend I turned about fifteen people into the walking dead.

After we had spilt enough blood and sufficiently ripped our shirts, it was time to head downtown to Long Street for some zombie dancing.

Some people on the street were pretty freaked out when we were carrying the pot of blood to the other intern house. I took it as a complement to my blood making expertise. 

Fist time I've ever done anyone's makeup. 

This is what you get when you Google "zombie."

The picture would have been a lot scarier without Happy Pumpkin and Random Boy Without a Costume.

Zombie intern hoard.

Jen and I looking FINE.

On Sunday there was a Zombie Charity Walk from the Company Gardens downtown to the Waterfront. What better way to dress up for a Zombie Walk than to never take off the zombie make up from the night before? After staining my sheets with zombie blood I went to breakfast at Hello Sailor with my roommate Jen. The waitress could have cared less that I looked like I had crawled out of the grave to order eggs benedict. She never said one word about it, not even a strange look. After breakfast I met Kelly, Alex, and Danny for some pre zombie walk margaritas. After wearing dancing the Macarena in the middle of the restaurant we were ready to zombiefy and jump in a taxi. We were worried about being late, but I think the driver was in a hurry to get the undead out of his car and got us there just in time for the start of the walk. There were so many zombies! The estimate was between 800 and 1000 walking dead. There were zombies carrying around zombie dogs, zombies with axes in their heads, and zombies carrying an assortment of severed body parts. There was such an abundance of blood we left a trail behind us as we walked. The last stop was at a pub on the waterfront where a portion of the proceeds went to a charity for dogs called "Lucky Lucy." We had such a great time. It was a great way to get involved in local culture in a very unique way. 

Pre-walk margaritas at El Fiesta.

Zombie walk!

Zombie with a solar powered boom box bin. We followed him for most of the walk. Thriller was on the playlist, of course.  You can see rest of the playlist on their facebook page.

We stopped along the way a couple times for zombie dances.

Safety first.

Hanging out with the organizer of the walk at the last stop.

Lucky Lucy (notice the leg... or lack of).

Deciding what to order FOR CHARITY!

Zombies love baskets of sausages and fries.

There were a lot of axes. Danny chose a stick as his weapon of choice. Smart?

Danny leading the hoards across the bridge. 

Along with these pictures there are also a couple videos on youtube in which our group made quick appearances. Watch for us zombie dancing and more zombie dancing!

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